The Hedgehog concept is a term defined by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great. The Hedgehog concept consists of answering 3 questions:
1. What is your organization Passionate about?
2. What can your organization be the Best in the World at?
3. What Drives your organizations Economic / Resource Engine
For any organization this is a work in progress. To date Tel-e-Atrics is working to answer these questions.
This post will address the issue of what Tel-e-Atrics is Passionate About:
Tel-e-Atrics is dedicate to improving the lives of the children and the developmentally disabled population in the communities that we serve by:
- Increasing the quality of health care services that our customers provide,
- Improving the environments that our customer clients live in on a day-to-day basis,
- Increasing the convenience in which they provide health care services to their clients and their stakeholders in a cost effective manner.
Tel-e-Atrics accomplishes this by providing an integrated telemedicine platform that allows patients a convenient way to connect with health care providers without leaving their normal environment. This platform allows a virtual office visit to take place which includes live video conferencing, store and forward digital images, and collected patient information over high speed Internet access.
Tel-e-Atrics is dedicated to pursuing the mission of "Health care when and where you need it, by people you know and trust."